Wood Associates Taxation Limites

We are an entirely mobile outfit – You are likely busy running your business, so we come to you for initial consultations. If you are wanting full and frank, no nonsense Tax advice let me help you. Tax consulting advice to Tax Agents/Accountants Tax advice and planning on specific transactions for clients – Upfront advice and planning can prevent problems down the track. Tax return preparation – GST, Income Tax, Individual, Trust, Partnership, Company, Property returns. Assisting you with IR Audits – We can take the pain out of this for you. Helping with tax disputes – If you receive disputes documents from IR or an unexpected assessment, we can help you in preparing your Notice of Proposed Adjustment/Notice of Response, attending the conference, and any other steps necessary to achieve the correct outcome for you. Negotiating repayment plans or settling disputes.


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Hayden Wood
New Zealand

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